Pole Loading Analysis

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Ensuring Structural Integrity

Pole loading analysis services offered by BPrompta facilitate the efficient joint use of utility poles within a complex regulatory environment. We employ state-of-the-art software to conduct thorough analyses of the structural integrity of existing poles. This process helps us assess their reliability in delivering services while meeting current and anticipated loading requirements.

Comprehensive Pole Evaluation for Optimal Usage and Compliance.

Our approach ensures that each pole is evaluated comprehensively, considering factors such as existing attachments, anticipated future loads, and regulatory compliance. By leveraging advanced software tools, we provide accurate assessments that enable utilities and telecommunications companies to optimize pole usage, ensure safety, and
comply with regulatory standards effectively.


• OCALC, SpidaCalc, EZ Load
• Meet NESC & GO 95 guidelines
• Make-ready designs
• Structural Analysis, Clearance Analysis
• Pole replacement design
current poles